




Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports DBMotoPublic

Imports DBMotoScript

Imports DBRS.GlobalScript

Imports System.Data


Namespace DBRS



    Public Class GlobalScript : Inherits IGlobalScript

      Public Shared globalCounter As Integer


     ‘This function takes a numeric Julian date in the format YYYDDD where

     ‘YYY is the number of years since 1900 and DDD is the day of the year

     ‘and returns a VB.Net date value or Null if the original value was null


     ‘One adds this function to the global script and uses it in a mapping

     ‘expression.  Be sure to set the source column to Use Unmapped


       Public Shared Function JulianToDate(obj as Object) as Object

         ‘If the value is null return null

         If obj Is Nothing Then Return Nothing


         ‘If the value is non numeric return null

         If Not IsNumeric(obj) Then Return Nothing


         ‘Get the year value

         Dim intYears as Integer

         intYears = Int(obj/1000)


         ‘Get the day of the year and subtract 1 because we’ll be adding

         ‘this value to January 1

         Dim intDays as Integer

         intDays = (obj – intYears * 1000) – 1


         ‘Calculate the date

         Dim datDate as Date

         datDate = CDate(“1/1/” & Str(1900 + intYears)).AddDays(intDays)


         ‘Return the date

        Return datDate


      End Function


    End Class


    Public Class MappingRule : Inherits IMappingRule


    End Class


    Public Class GlobalEvents : Inherits IGlobalEvents


    End Class

End Namespace

マッピング画面にて、対象のフィールドでMap to Expressionを開きます。

User functionsから先ほど設定したスクリプトの関数を選択し、引数に対象フィールド名を設定します。







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